'We walk through our entire 2019 preservation. What did we can? What did we freeze? How much of each? Let’s go through it! Get the canning ball book here - Amazon Store Front - https://amzn.to/2HR50FC Crazy Dazes - Green Beans & Potatoes live stream - https://youtu.be/PntjJO7oa1I Our Playlist with all our canning videos - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgqw2D2xAawU-Hy1EXUYlkLqt4MikvV6X Thank you for Watching! If you feel inclined to help support our channel see links below - Support to our channel - PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/StiversHomestead Amazon Wish List - https://amzn.to/2HTBbnW For any Hoss Tools items - Get their cool crop collection we used in the video and other tools here - https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=862842&u=2135251&m=65739&urllink=&afftrack= Merchandise/Tshirts - https://www.etsy.com/listing/696224675/based-on-my-wardrobe-my-favorite-color?ref=shop_home_feat_1 FREE Harvest Celebration TICKETS HERE - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/harvest-celebration-with-stivers-homestead-tickets-62142499890?ref=eios FOR MAILING - PO Box 4664 Frankfort KY, 40604 Music and Apps in our videos - Download the CropSwap app here - Cropswap by Cropswap Inc. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cropswap/id1209681921?mt=8 Intro Music By: Nicholas Jamerson - Find his AWESOME music on Amazon & Itunes. Link to his YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW-LDJrKJcSLVu3naX17Spw #sustainable #lifeworthliving Social Media Links - Jenns Blog! - StiversHomestead.com Instagram - Stivers_Homestead Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stivershomestead Stive Tribe Fbook Group, Come Join! - https://www.facebook.com/groups/2413236752095339/?ref=nf_target&fref=nf Other Music by Jason Shaw @ audionautix.com'
Tags: how to , do it yourself , tomato , off grid , Homestead , garden , gardening , farm to table , homesteading , freeze , harvest , food preservation , preserving food , canning , john deere , grow your own food , off grid homestead , green beans , preserve , how to can , organic garden , home canning , garden harvest , pressure canning , tomato juice , zucchinni , pepper jelly , sustanability , meet my dealer , heartland hatchery , My Solution for Mineral Desperate Sheep , The CHICKEN COOP PALACE project is underway
See also: